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How can I add a Promo slot to my journal or community?

You need to opt into Cyrillic services to promote your entries in other journals’ promo slots. Only public entries can be promoted. The social capital of the journal or the community must be ≥20

Who can enable a promo slot in their journal or community?

To add a promo slot to your journal make sure that your journal meets the following requirements:

  • Social capital ≥20;

  • Is opted into Cyrillic services;

  • One of the following styles: is used in the journal: minimalism, expressive, style contest, flexible squares, smooth sailing, mixit, or tranquility II. You can check which style is used in your journal on the Select Journal Style page.

Promo slots can be placed in communities as well as personal journals, as long as you are the community’s owner or maintainer.

How can I enable the promo slot?

You can enable Journal Promo in your journal on the settings page in the My Journal Promo tab. This tab is only accessible when your social capital reaches 20.
To enable the promo slot, check “Enable Journal Promo in my journal” and save changes.
On this page you also can do the following:

  • Specify an entry containing the requirements for promoted entries in your journal. Users who want to buy promotion in your journal will see a link to your rules.

  • Specify a placeholder entry that will be shown in the promo slot when it is not occupied. This entry must be published in your journal.

  • Choose who can promote their entries in your journal: all registered users or only your friends.

  • Add users to blacklist so that they won’t be able to promote in your journal.

  • Specify a minimum price for promotion.

The promo slot is displayed to all visitors of the journal (including logged-out visitors) on entry pages and - for journals with Style System 2 - on the journal page.

What can I do if somebody is promoting an entry that goes against my rules for promotion?

You can ban the user from your journal. This will result in the user being unable to place entries in your promo block. No additional measures will be taken against such users by the service.

How can I enable the promo slot in my community?

The promo slot for communities is in many ways similar to the one in journals, but the following differences exist:

  • The promo slot can only be enabled by a community’s owner or maintainer;

  • Tokens for promotion are received by the owner of the community;

  • The owner and maintainers of the community are not eligible to bid for the slot.

The promo slot can be turned on in account settings. Make sure that the active user (in the top-right) is switched to the appropriate community. The community must have a social capital of at least 20, must be a community with Professional package of service and must be subscribed to Cyrillic services.

How many LJ Tokens will I get?

LiveJournal takes 10% commission from every promotion in your journal. So you’ll get the price of the promotion minus that commission.

The minimum commission is 1 LJ Token.

How do I adjust my custom journal style to enable the promo slot?

If you use your own custom journal style, you can try to follow these instructions:

  1. Visit Your layers page

  2. In your code, find the cycle that displays entries in your journal. It usually looks like this:

  3. After the entry output function { _print_entry($e); } (or simply before the cycle-closing '}') add the command for the display of promo slot.

    If you do not have to wrap it in additional HTML, you can simply write:

    If you need to wrap a promo slot in DIV or put HR after it:

  4. Compile the style and see if the promo slot appears in your journal.

Last Updated: April 3rd, 2017

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